Command Line Interface

mutyper: ancestral kmer mutation types for variant data

usage: mutyper [-h] {ancestor,variants,targets,spectra,ksfs} ...



create an ancestral FASTA file, using an outgroup alignment, and a database of SNPs with a callability mask

mutyper ancestor [-h] [--verbose] [--bed BED]
                 vcf reference outgroup chain output

Positional Arguments


VCF/BCF file, usually for a single chromosome (“-” for stdin)


path to reference FASTA for one chromosome


path to outgroup genome FASTA


path to alignment chain file (reference to outgroup)


path for output ancestral FASTA for this chromosome

Named Arguments


increase logging verbosity


path to BED file mask (“-” for stdin)


adds mutation_type to VCF/BCF INFO, polarizes REF/ALT/AC according to ancestral/derived states, and stream to stdout

mutyper variants [-h] [--verbose] [--k K] [--target TARGET] [--sep SEP]
                 [--chrom_pos CHROM_POS] [--strand_file STRAND_FILE]
                 fasta vcf

Positional Arguments


path to ancestral FASTA


VCF/BCF file, usually for a single chromosome (“-” for stdin)

Named Arguments


increase logging verbosity


k-mer context size (default 3)


0-based mutation target position in kmer (default middle)


field delimiter in FASTA headers (default “:”)


0-based chromosome field position in FASTA headers (default 0)


path to bed file with regions where reverse strand defines mutation context, e.g. direction of replication or transcription (default collapse reverse complements)


only uppercase nucleotides in FASTA considered ancestrally identified


compute 𝑘-mer target sizes and stream to stdout

mutyper targets [-h] [--verbose] [--k K] [--target TARGET] [--sep SEP]
                [--chrom_pos CHROM_POS] [--strand_file STRAND_FILE] [--strict]
                [--bed BED]

Positional Arguments


path to ancestral FASTA

Named Arguments


increase logging verbosity


k-mer context size (default 3)


0-based mutation target position in kmer (default middle)


field delimiter in FASTA headers (default “:”)


0-based chromosome field position in FASTA headers (default 0)


path to bed file with regions where reverse strand defines mutation context, e.g. direction of replication or transcription (default collapse reverse complements)


only uppercase nucleotides in FASTA considered ancestrally identified


path to BED file mask (“-” for stdin)


compute mutation spectra for each sample in VCF/BCF with mutation_type data and stream to stdout

mutyper spectra [-h] [--verbose] [--population] [--randomize] vcf

Positional Arguments


VCF/BCF file, usually for a single chromosome (“-” for stdin)

Named Arguments


increase logging verbosity


population-wise spectrum, instead of individual


randomly assign mutation to a single haplotype


compute sample frequency spectrum for each mutation type from a VCF/BCF file with mutation_type data (i.e. output from variants subcommand ) and stream to stdout

mutyper ksfs [-h] [--verbose] vcf

Positional Arguments


VCF/BCF file, usually for a single chromosome (“-” for stdin)

Named Arguments


increase logging verbosity